UPR Clients Receive United States Patent Certificate

United Patent Research is proud to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents to several UPR clients.  The following UPR clients have been mailed an official United States patent certificate for their innovative inventions.

  • Warren and Tiffany J. invented a practical device for pulling irrigation pipes in around one-half the time of conventional methods.
  • Cynthia Q. is the inventor of the Easy Find which is an innovative electronic device designed to enable the user to easily locate lost items.
  • Robin W. is the inventor of an intriguing educational toy called Webtiles and Saurs.
  • Ella E. and Malinda C. have invented a medical accessory, the Disposable Blood Pressure Cuff Liner, which ensures that blood pressure measurements are conducted in a sanitary manner.
  • Timothy and Virginia H. have invented the innovative, retractable trailer hitch. The retractable feature of this unique trailer hitch enhances user safety and improves the aesthetic appearance of the user’s trailer.
  • Henry D. is the inventor of the Hidden Adjustable Door Stop. This innovative door stop is rugged, reliable, and applicable for any size door. One of its advantages is that it is unobtrusive in use.
  • Lisa E., invented the Handy Dandy Carrier which is a unique beverage carrier designed to easily transport both hot and cold beverages along with the accompanying condiments.
  • Caroline S. invented Snug-Ease which is an innovative clothing accessory designed to permit the user to adjust pants, skirts, or shorts so that they will be appropriately snug.
  • Paul G. is the inventor of Maternal Comfort. This invention is a uniquely designed chair configured to meet the special comfort needs of pregnant woman.
  • Finally, Shannette L. has received her United States patent certificate for her innovative swing for infants/babies, the Saving Grace Swing.

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