United States Patents Granted To UPR Clients

Several United Patent Research clients have recently been granted patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
These successful inventors are:

  • Robert R., inventor of the Water Heater Containment Tank, a safety device designed to prevent damage to a home or business in the event a hot water heater begins to leak.
  • Kevin C., inventor of the Shade Caddy, an innovative hat designed to facilitate the secure use of glasses.
  • Wayne and Spring Rose G. who have devised Cold Safe, an innovative refrigerator accessory designed to alert the user when the temperature inside a refrigerator goes below a pre-selected level.
  • Jerry K. who has invented K-cup, a unique children’s drinking cup designed to prevent spills.
  • Denise F. and Susan M. are inventors of the Pool Depth Conversion Island which significantly expands the versatility of a standard above ground pool.
  • Ken S. is the inventor of an innovative device designed to help keep restrooms clean and sanitary in public places such as restaurants, professional buildings, and airports.
  • Finally, Lorne D. has invented an exercise device, called the Abdominal Explosion Bed, which is designed to easily create strong muscles in the midsection and/or lower back portions of the body.

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