Tradeshow Attendance Yields New Contacts
Sometimes tradeshow attendance can be valuable in unexpected ways. After attending the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the President of United Patent Research, Patrick Ralston, contacted one of the electronic companies he came in contact with at the tradeshow. After reviewing a sample of our inventions, a representative of the company communicated that his company specializes in electronic component parts rather than the completed electronic products which United Patent Research represents. However, as a courtesy to United Patent Research, the representative of MuRata Electronic Americas sent emails referencing United Patent Research to some of Murata Electronic Americas’ major technology contacts. It is important to note even if a particular tradeshow contact does not lead to a licensing agreement, the contact can open up opportunities that may result in licensing agreements in the future. As a service to its clients, United Patent Research attends tradeshows throughout the year in order to gain valuable manufacturer contacts.