Trademark Applications Filed for UPR Clients
Although patent protection is of paramount importance to inventors, trademark protection can be a valuable asset.
- David B. is the inventor of the Airtricity Charger which is an innovative, auxiliary electrical charger especially designed to be used with electric and hybrid electric cars. The trademark that is being applied for is WINDIDIT.
- David P. is the inventor of the practical Power Brush. This powered cleaning/polishing tool is especially designed to be effective in hard to reach areas such as car/truck wheel walls. The trademark the inventor is applying for is the very appropriate name: WAKWAK-WITCH.
- Keith S.’s invention is the computer age Online Yearbook. This computerized yearbook can easily be searched, and updated as the student makes new school friends and achieves new accomplishments. The trademark being applied for is: FRNZ.
- Inventors like to solve problems. For individuals with limited mobility, Richard E. invented the Scrub Buddy. This easy to use bathroom accessory is designed to permit an individual with limited mobility to effectively clean his or her back. The trademark that is being applied for is: BACK ZONE.