The Latest Patent News 12-12-08


As the week comes to an end, there’s more exciting news from United Patent Research…


 UPR Owner and President, Pat Ralston, is meeting with a major plastics manufacturing company this month to be able to readily produce products for selected clients.  

 Owner Pat Ralston met with an accomplished inventor at the San Antonio Tradeshow and discussed multinational licensing for his football product which has been purchased/licensed by three NFL football teams.  


Inventor P. Erickson has been granted a China Patent.


Inventor L. Ercolini has also been granted a China Patent.


Inventor R. Green has been granted a European Union Patent.


Inventor D. Schmutz  and Licensing Attorney Michael Freedman met on the golf course Monday.  Mr. Schmutz  demonstrated his prototype for Mr. Freedman to present to a plastics manufacture’s advisory board for test run production.


  Inventor Mr. Fruitman has invented a medical product that Licensing Attorney Michael Freedman will be presenting to a professional football team for review. Pat Ralston and Mr. Fruitman will meet at the Las Vegas Tradeshow in January. 




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