Patents Issued to United Patent Research Clients

The patent services offered by United Patent Research continue to produce positive results for inventors working with UPR. Several inventors working with United Patent Research have received official United States patent certificates issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. As United Patent Research deals with inventions in diverse and wide ranging categories, United Patent Research clients receiving patent certificates from the U.S. Patent Office represent a wide variety of creative activity.

  • Tarek A. is the inventor of the GPS for Truck (Drivers) & RV which is an innovative GPS especially designed for the unique needs of truck and RV drivers.
  • For tractor operators Donald and Paul P. have invented the Compact Tractor Tool Holder which allows the user to conveniently carry and have quick access to important tools.
  • Parents worldwide should appreciate the Magic Diaper invented by Tyeeste S. This unique diaper combines several steps in the diaper changing process into one convenient step.
  • People who love to sun bathe will readily appreciate the Automatic Sunscreen Applicator, invented by Audree N., which can apply an appropriate layer of sunscreen over the entire body surface in seconds.
  • With travelers in mind, Carlton R. invented Ripton which is an innovative disposable razor containing all the components needed for a smooth and effective shave.
  • Finally, Garry and Gina W. are the inventors of the Remote Keeper which permits a user to easily and effectively keep track of small electronic devices such as remote control unit. As no electricity is involved, the device is inexpensive to produce and use.

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