Patent Progress for United Patent Research Clients

United Patent Research emphasizes the importance of patent protection in the United States as the United States maintains its status as a huge market for new products. Inventors working with United Patent Research continue to achieve success at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Several inventors working with United Patent Research have been notified that their inventions have attained patent pending status at the U.S. Patent Office.

  • James S. is the inventor of the Beverage Dispenser which is designed to dispense cold beverage cans from a refrigerator in a convenient, environmentally friendly manner.
  • Parents of infants will readily appreciate Kathryn W.’s invention. The Pea Pod is an innovative infant blanket especially designed to be used with front infant carrying packs.
  • For anyone who loves the outdoors David G. has invented the AMP X which is a cleverly designed sports vehicle combining the capabilities of an ATV with the capabilities of a jet ski.
  • Inventor Ronald G. is the inventor of the practical Squeeze and Scrub Toilet Brush. This innovative toilet cleaning tool is designed to make toilet cleaning easier and quicker.
  • Often inventors create new products that they wish they could buy and use. Crystal R. is the inventor of the Purse Protector which effectively protects a purse from inclement weather, dirt, etc.
  • Clean Bleed, invented by David C., is an innovative car maintenance tool which permits brake fluid to be quickly and easily drained without spillage or environmental contamination.
  • In order to enhance car safety, Yinon A. has conceived the Distance Keeper which is designed to effectively alert a driver when the driver’s vehicle is dangerously close to another vehicle.
  • For the individual with a hectic schedule, Esther M. has invented Milk On The Go which provides a convenient and safe way of carrying milk in a in a pocket, purse, or briefcase.
  • The Ten Can Liner, invented by Keith and Desiree I.,  permits several trash can liners to be placed into a commercial or home trash can in one easy step.
  • Gordon and Duane B. are the inventors of the snow blower accessory Roll-Ez. This carefully conceived device significantly increases the product life of a snow blower as well as improving the maneuverability of the snow blower.
  • For people who love to fish Eddie and Mary A. have developed the Mobile Fisherman Cart which allows a person to easily and effectively transport a multitude of fishing gear.
  • To help people keep a “cool head” Ronald H. invented the Cool Cap which is designed to provide comforting cooling in hot weather and in situations where cooling the skull will reduce stress and/or pain. As the cooling mechanism does not use electricity, the cap is lightweight and has a long product life.
  • For anyone who enjoys picnics and outdoor parties, James L. has invented Suzy’s Salad Crate Portable Salad Buffet Cooler. This novel food cooler is designed to be a convenient and secure storage unit for picnic/party food items.
  • Finally, Raymond and Alice R. have conceived a simple yet effective tool, the Dip Stick, which takes the guesswork out of adding the proper amount of oil to an engine.

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