Multiple UPR Clients Receive China Patents
Issued China patents have recently been mailed to several United Patent Research clients. These inventors are now poised to enter the expanding China marketplace knowing that their inventions are protected by the patent system of China.
- Paul and Tiffinae B. received a China patent for the Giggle Swing which enables infants and toddlers to safely use a swing designed for older children.
- Dorothy D. received a China patent for the Remote Lighted Pad which incorporates user friendly features not found on conventional remote controls.
- Lisa H. received a China patent for the Pizza Dipping Sauce & Container which is a new food product designed for pizza lovers.
- Gregory L. is glad to have received a China patent for his invention, Lucas Designs. This innovative product is designed to enhance the appearance of satellite dishes.
- Steven and Deanna B., inventors of the Jug Line Fishing Device, are very pleased to have been granted a China patent for their unique fishing device which alerts a fisherman when a fish is on the hook. They are well aware that fishing is very popular in China.
- Peter and Judith E. received a China patent for the E-Z Stor-Drawer. This invention is an innovative accessory for trucks which facilitates the placing and removing of items from a truck bed.
- Cynthia Q. has recently been mailed an issued China patent on her innovative location device. The Easy Find is an electronic device designed to enable the user to easily locate lost items, including small objects, such as keys.
- Inventors Richelle G. and Beth K. have been issued a China patent for their invention, the Car Seat Travel Pad. This unique car accessory is designed to enhance the comfort of babies and toddlers traveling in a car.