Latest News 12-22-08

Inventor T. Meyer has received interest from a well known manufacturer.  All necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed and negotiations will begin shortly.  The manufacturer has shown interest in reviewing additional products and has been given UL’s password to view those products.

An interested marketing group will be assigning inventor M. Bates four feet of shelf space at their Chicago tradeshow and will assistance in any licensing or distribution of product for M. Bates. This well known marketing group can also assist in mass production.

Trademark Applications have been signed and filed for the following clients:

T. Gogan

E. Edge

S. Scott

L. Ercolini

M. Hollingsworth

F. Emmerich

K. Hobbs

M. Kitt

A. Barker

L. Mandon

H. Coles


Inventor C. Lawrimore has received interest from a North American manufacturer, all necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed, and negotiations will begin in the near future.  This manufacturer has also been givens UL’s password to view other products.

Inventor J. Stalter has also received interest from a North American manufacturer, all necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed, and negotiations will begin soon. 


Another marketing group has shown interest in R. Wilson’s product. Proprietary information has been received. Universal Licensing is waiting on a copy of the patent to finish negotiations; this should be completed within two weeks.


Inventor G. Duncan has two manufacturing companies interested in his new product and has received a letter back in acknowledgment of patent pending. Negotiations should being soon.


G. Gertz has received a letter from a well known corporation interested in his new product. Their vice president of technology has signed all necessary documents to start negations. Once documents have been received negotiations will begin.


Inventor D. Carrick received receipt of patent pending approval on November 28th.

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