Latest News 12-17-08
UPR Owner and President Pat Ralston met with a New York marketing firm at the Chicago tradeshow in March, 2008. This firm has contacted Universal Licensing’s Attorney Michael Freedman to schedule a conference call to speak about our inventors’ products; they are interested in producing the next HOT product.
Universal Licensing’s Attorney Michael Freedman is negotiating a licensing agreement with a marketing group in Illinois interested in inventor M. Bates and her new product. M. Bates has created a new website, visit She will also be attending the tradeshow with the marketing team to demonstrate her product and generate new licensing prospects.
This same Illinois marketing group has a conference call scheduled for 4:00 today with Michael Freedman of Universal Licensing and UPR Owner Pat Ralston to discuss other products to license as well.
San Antonio Inventor and UPR Owner Pat Ralston continue negotiations concerning his finished product.
Inventor J. Lockmueller is continuing negotiations with three major manufacturers.
Inventor D. Gosterski has received interest from a North American manufacturer; negotiations should begin in the near future.
Inventor T. Osborn’s Utility Patent application has been signed and mailed.
Inventors L. Stewart & B. James have received an informal provisional patent. They will be receiving their formal filing receipt within a few weeks.
Receipts have been received and have been sent to following clients. Patent Pending as of November 2008:
S. Aptorp
H. Brooks
S. Alessi
D. Brown