Important Tradeshows Attended by United Patent Research

Two significant tradeshows were recently attended by United Patent Research President Patrick Ralston on behalf of UPR clients. Both of these Las Vegas based tradeshows showcased automotive related products from October 30 through November 1. The AAPEX (i.e., Automotive After Market Products Expo) was located in the Sands Expo Center and was attended by over 115,000 individuals involved in automotive related businesses. A related tradeshow, the SEMA 2012, was held in Las Vegas during the same time period. This show emphasized specialty automotive products. Over 60,000 individuals from automotive and tool related business attended this impressive show. Approximately 2,000 new tools, components, and parts were presented at the show. It is important to note that the SEMA show was not open to the general public. United Patent Research clients are fortunate that UPR is able to send representatives to tradeshows, such as the SEMA, that are not available to the general public. Upon returning to UPR headquarters, Mr. Ralston began the rigorous task of reviewing, analyzing, and categorizing the various manufacturer leads he acquired through meeting with industry representatives at the AAPEX and SEMA shows. Mr. Ralston is now in the process of providing these manufacturer representatives with appropriate information about inventions conceived by inventors working with United Patent Research.

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