Foreign Patents Issued to United Patent Research Clients

Patent work is proceeding successfully for several United Patent Research clients who have applied for European and China patents.

  • Ernest and Leslie F., inventors of the Miracle Shelf, have been informed that their EU Community patent application has actually been granted. The Miracle Shelf is an innovative accessory table primarily designed for use with pools, although it can also be useful for bathtubs and sinks.
  • John N., has recently been mailed his issued European patent regarding his innovative child car seat. This car seat quickly and easily adjusts to an individual child at the push of a button.
  • Keith and Desiree I., inventors of the Ten Can Liner, have been mailed a European patent for their invention which permits a user to quickly and easily load several trash can liners into a home or commercial trash can in one easy step.
  • Likewise, Kenneth P., inventor of the Ladder Lift, has been mailed an issued European patent for his innovative ladder accessory.

These inventors now have patent protection in all the nations belonging to the European Economic Community.

Regarding patent activity in the Pacific region, Harold C. was recently mailed an official Chinese patent certificate for his invention, the Attic Diaper. This invention is a unique home construction/repair item designed to keep attics dry even during extremely damp weather conditions.

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