European Economic Community Patents Granted

United Patent Research is glad to announce that the European Economic Community has notified the following inventors that their Application(s) for Registered Community Design have been approved and formally registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market.

The Miracle Shelf, invented by Frank and Leslie F., which is an accessory table primarily designed for use with pools, although it can also be useful for bathtubs and sinks.

Shower Wraps, invented by Connie and Carl P., is an innovative product which will enable patients recovering from injury or surgery to safely and conveniently shower while protecting the integrity of a cast or a bandage.

The Multi Shopping Cart Sanitizer, invented by Marvin S. and Nikhil S., is a unique product designed to effectively and quickly sanitize multiple shopping carts.

Official Certificates of Registration have been mailed to all these United Patent Research Clients.

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