Companies Show Interest in UPR Inventions
Companies continue to show interest in inventions created by United Patent Research clients. After attending the Toy Fair 2012, Patrick Ralston, the President of United Patent Research, sent invention information to companies whose representatives had expressed an interest in reviewing new toy concepts. Play Visions responded by saying that they are always interested in reviewing new product concepts and that they will be looking at new toy concepts provided by United Patent Research. United Patent Research believes that its tradeshow attendance activities can open doors and opportunities for inventors who have taken advantage of United Patent Research’s services.
United Patent Research client Tommy T. is glad to have received interest in his innovative fishing lure, the Jitterblade. After receiving introductory information from the inventor, Yellow Bird Products, Inc. said that they would be interested in receiving more information about the Jitterblade. Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, will provide Yellow Bird Products with this additional information after Yellow Bird Products signs a confidentiality agreement. Tommy T. will be keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing regarding this corporate contact.