China Patents Granted and Issued to UPR Clients
The Chinese Patent Office has notified several United Patent Research clients that a China Patent has been granted for their invention. Richard and Diane R.’s invention, The Beverage Wrap, is an easy to use, innovative accessory for beverage glasses and beverage cups. United Patent Research client Cynthia Q. has invented the Easy Find which is an innovative electronic device designed to enable the user to easily locate lost items. Finally, United Patent Research inventors Richelle G. and Beth K. have invented the Car Seat Travel Pad. This unique car accessory is designed to enhance the comfort of babies and toddlers traveling in a car.
Additionally, two United Patent Research clients have recently been granted China Patents. The Chinese State Intellectual Property Office has issued an official patent Certificate for the unique bathing suit design of Lori E. Her uniquely designed swimwear has significant practical advantages compared to conventional swimwear designs for women. The Chinese State Intellectual Property Office has also issued an official patent Certificate for Flush Away, invented by Gary D. Flush Away is a health enhancement product which is designed to facilitate hygiene and sanitation in bathrooms. The China Patent will have a term of ten years.