Surprisingly, at the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) was able to sit down with a medical company that we have a long-standing relationship with. We knew in advance that that company was going to be there residing in another company’s booth. Therefore, we were able to bring a selection of medical products for direct presentation as well as all of our products in a non-proprietary format for review. During our brief meeting, the president of this North American medical company expressed interest in Shawn H.’s Oral Orbital Tool. This product will be presented at the medical company’s next review meeting. Since we have pre-Non Disclosure Agreements in place with this company, UPR is in the process of putting together a package of additional products that we feel will receive interest at future review meetings. As noted above, we have great hopes that this medical products company will show interest in several inventions conceived by our clients.