Archive for Manufacturer Interest

Interest in a Child Safety Invention

A child safety invention, Kid Safe, has received interest from a North American manufacturer that United Patent Research (UPR) has had a relationship with over the last several years. We will also be presenting quite a number of other products to this company for their review and consideration. Kid Safe received manufacturer interest because the inventor, with UPR’s assistance, utilized Universal Licensing’s transmittal kit program. We hope to get a favorable response for David B’s product, Kid Safe, as well as for the other products we will be presenting to this manufacturer.

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Expanding Company Reviews Inventions

In February, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a toy manufacturer at the Toy Fair that signed a pre-Non Disclosure Agreement (pre-NDA) at the event. In addition to submitting all of UPR’s toy products to this company for review, we became aware that this company has its marketing tentacles in other fields, especially hardware. After reviewing their website, UPR selected a handful of products that we felt would present this manufacturer with innovative new product conceptions that would fit their market niche perfectly. Just in the first batch, there were two products which inspired great interest from this company – Kenneth S.’s EZ Caulking Gun and Roger M.’s Screw Guide. Recently, UPR called Hong Kong to speak with the President of the company who oversees all the licensing. There were discussions about taking one of these products and presenting it to major hardware retailers in Asia as well as in Europe. UPR will be in contact with Universal Licensing, our licensing affiliate, to bring them up to speed. We will be ready to pass the ball over to Universal Licensing at the appropriate time for them to continue the negotiations. UPR will continue to be in contact with this interested manufacturer and make sure that all relevant documents are signed.

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Second Meeting With North American Manufacturer

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) sat down with a North American manufacturer for the second time in 3 years. UPR is in the process of putting together a list of inventions that we feel will be of interest to this North American manufacturer that specializes in quality household cleaning products. We are hoping that after we make that submission they will respond positively and licensing negotiations with Universal Licensing can begin.

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Educational Toy Receives Manufacturer Interest

This year Don B., inventor of Toolie Toys, received interest from companies because of his participation in Universal Licensing’s transmittal kit program. There were three interested manufacturers that already had signed non-disclosure agreements with Universal Licensing. Previously, Universal Licensing provided each of these companies with a unique password to enter the “backroom” of Universal Licensing’s website to review detailed proprietary information regarding Don B.’s product. This was also a direct result of United Patent Research providing the inventor with the names of companies that he could use when participating in Universal Licensing’s marketing program. It was a combination of both trade show exposure and Universal Licensing’s input. Currently, we are patiently waiting to see if serious manufacturer interest develops for Toolie Toys as it is a very entertaining and educational toy. We hope this product will be generating additional interest as we present this idea at future trade shows.

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United Patent Research Meets With Manufacturer of Storage Products

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with the Vice President of Development for a Midwest manufacturer who is looking for products in storage, sorters, packs and racks. We are in the process of discussing what would be the best method to submit ideas to this company. We will first make sure that all appropriate non-disclosure agreements are in place before going any further. This company also has a presence overseas which is a market UPR would like to be a part of.

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United Patent Research Meets With Drinkware Specialist

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a representative whose company specializes in drinkware. UPR believes that even though this company’s market niche is extremely narrow, we have quite a few products that may be of interest to them. This company has been extremely successful in creating very unique and innovative ideas related to drinkware, and because of these successful innovations they have been able to keep their market niche strictly with drinkware. How many of us, every day, will use drinkware in our car, home, office, school, etc.? The innovative spirit that exists in every inventor always urges them to “come up with a better mousetrap”. We are hoping that this company will continue to review our drinkware products in the years to come.

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Manufacturer Interest For Two Inventions

After reviewing submissions from over a year ago, and reviewing re-submitted ideas after the Housewares Show in Chicago, this North American manufacturer has expressed interest in two products conceived by United Patent Research (UPR) clients – inventors Joanne B.’s Comfy Sole and Guy H.’s Hot Solder Dispenser. UPR is in the process of getting Universal Licensing (UL) extensions in place as well as searching for additional invention information for this “As Seen on TV” company. We are very pleased that this company has requested that UPR send them additional new inventions for review. We feel that both of the products that this company has shown initial interest in will take a strong hold in the “As Seen on TV” market. The real test, however, will be how this company responds to new invention submissions and how the buying public will respond.

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UPR Meeting With An “As Seen on TV” Company

United Patent Research (UPR) had a meeting with an “As Seen on TV” company that has had a relationship with UPR for the last several years. Pre-Non Disclosure Agreements (Pre-NDA’s) have been signed, and we are in the process of putting together a new package of material for the company’s review. Because they are in the process of launching a new product, we are going to submit to them a few hand-picked items that we feel will be of interest. After we met with three members of their team, we felt very confident that we are going to have a continual flow of products submitted to their office for review.

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United Patent Research Meets With Pet Products Company

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a pet company that deals with disposable items that are geared for the household. After discussion, they were very interested to see our selection of pet items which we will be submitting for review. We look forward to their feedback and feel that we have some pet products that might be good additions to their product line.

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UPR Meets With Medical Products Company

Surprisingly, at the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) was able to sit down with a medical company that we have a long-standing relationship with. We knew in advance that that company was going to be there residing in another company’s booth. Therefore, we were able to bring a selection of medical products for direct presentation as well as all of our products in a non-proprietary format for review. During our brief meeting, the president of this North American medical company expressed interest in Shawn H.’s Oral Orbital Tool. This product will be presented at the medical company’s next review meeting. Since we have pre-Non Disclosure Agreements in place with this company, UPR is in the process of putting together a package of additional products that we feel will receive interest at future review meetings. As noted above, we have great hopes that this medical products company will show interest in several inventions conceived by our clients.

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