Archive for Manufacturer Interest

Innovative Shower Receives Corporate Interest

After returning from the recent International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago, United Patent Research President Patrick Ralston proceeded to contact companies whose representatives he met at the tradeshow. After reviewing several inventions conceived by United Patent Research inventors, the representative of one of these companies expressed interest in the Recycle Shower invented by David C. This environmentally friendly shower is especially designed for areas where water conservation is paramount. Using proven components in an original configuration, Recycle Shower permits shower water to be used multiple times. Individuals living in remote areas would especially find the Recycle Shower to be of significant value. If the interested company indicates that they wish to consider licensing the Recycle Shower, Universal Licensing (the Licensing Affiliate of UPR) will enter into licensing negotiations with the company.

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UPR Clients Receive Positive Manufacturer Responses

Manufacturers from around the world continue to make inquires about the new product creations of United Patent Research clients. ECA Enterprises requested information about the Wonder Leash invented by UPR client Jarrett H. After this company signed a proper non-disclosure agreement promising confidentiality, Universal Licensing (the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research) provided them with additional information about the Wonder Leash. This unique dog leash has a convenient quick attach/detach feature. With this leash a dog owner can quickly and easily release a dog from the leash without bending over.

Likewise, Central Plains Industries, a major metal fabricator, requested additional information about the Rock Block invented by UPR client John H. After signing the appropriate non-disclosure agreement, Universal Licensing sent this company detailed information about the Rock Block. This invention is an innovative accessory for an agricultural harvester which significantly reduces the number of rocks being thrown at the tractor during the harvesting process.

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Canadian Firm Shows Initial Interest in Painting Accessory

Jay Trends Merchandising, Inc. of Montreal, Canada, has shown initial interest in the innovative painting accessory conceived by United Patent Research clients Kevin & Rocquel S. Their patented invention, the Paint Roller Cleaner, permits paint rollers to be easily and thoroughly cleaned in a much shorter time than using conventional cleaning methods. As Jay Trends Merchandising signed an appropriate confidential disclosure agreement, Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, provided them with additional information about this practical painting aid.

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Major Toy Company Shows Interest in the Coreboard Surfer

A major manufacturer of toys, games, and children’s exercise devices has shown initial interest in the Coreboard Surfer invented by United Patent Research client David Z. This company requested detailed information about the Coreboard Surfer after receiving introductory information about this unique fitness device. After the company signed a confidential disclosure document, Universal Licensing (the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research) sent the company additional information about this product. The Coreboard Surfer is an innovative training and fitness device designed to simulate the dynamics of snowboarding, surfing, and skateboarding while providing the physical and therapeutic benefits of a thorough leg and body-core workout. Use of the device is very intuitive, and it can be effectively and safely utilized by children, adults, and seniors.

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Cooking Accessory Receives Manufacturer Interest

A well established company, Bionix Development Corporation, has shown initial interest in a unique Taco cooking/serving invention called the Taco Rack. Bionix Development Corporation signed a standard Confidential Disclosure Agreement with the inventor promising to safeguard any supplied information. After receiving this Confidential Disclosure Agreement, Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, provided the interested company with detailed information about the Taco Rack. The Taco Rack, invented by United Patent Research clients Bryant and Erica T., is a cooking/serving accessory which permits hard shell and soft shell tacos to be cooked simultaneously. Both professional chiefs and home kitchen cooks will find this accessory to be of significant value.

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Unique Personal Light Receives Manufacturer Interest

United Patent Research client Tim C. is pleased that Global Smart Products has shown initial interest in his unique personal light, the Foot Light. Global Smart Products signed an appropriate Confidential Disclosure Agreement promising to safeguard any information about the Foot Light that is supplied to them. The inventor promptly sent this signed Confidential Disclosure Agreement to Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research. Universal Licensing then provided Global Smart Products with detailed information about the Foot Light. Tim’s invention is a unique personal light which can be conveniently worn on the user’s foot in very convenient manner. The inventor has been contacting companies regarding his invention following the instructions provided to him by Universal Licensing and United Patent Research.

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Manufacturer Interest in Laundry Accessory

United Patent Research client Stacey J. is pleased to have received manufacturer interest in his innovative laundry basket. Dial Industries Inc. contacted Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, and requested details regarding the Ezy-Sort Laundry Basket. After Dial Industries signed a standard confidentiality agreement, Universal Licensing provided them with important details about Stacey’s invention. Dial Industries is a major manufacturer of storage and organization items with the vast majority of production being done in America. The Ezy-Sort Laundry Basket is a unique laundry basket which significantly facilitates the sorting of clothes that are being washed.

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Portable Lavatory Receives Interest

United Patent Research client, Dale J., continues to receive corporate interest in his innovative portable lavatory. Home Steel Siding and Windows LLC contacted Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, and requested details regarding Dale’s invention, Portable Privacy. Universal Licensing proceeded to send the interested company a Confidential Disclosure Agreement which the company signed and returned to Universal Licensing. The interested company was then sent detailed information about Portable Privacy. Dale’s invention is an easy to set-up and use portable lavatory providing privacy in emergency situations. Additionally, Portable Privacy can be a very practical accessory for camping, fishing, and hunting.

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Initial Manufacturer Interest in Portable Privacy

Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, has communicated to United Patent Research client Dale J. that Shademarker Inc. has shown initial interest in his invention, Portable Privacy. Universal Licensing proceeded to send this company a Confidential Disclosure Agreement in order to protect the intellectual property rights of the inventor. After this agreement was signed Universal Licensing promptly provided Shademarker with detailed information about Portable Privacy. The invention, Portable Privacy, is an innovative portable lavatory providing privacy in emergency situations. Portable Privacy is easy to set-up, disassemble, and store. This unit can easily be carried in a car or truck. Although Portable Privacy is designed to be very useful in emergency situations, it can also be a very practical accessory for camping, fishing, and hunting.

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Patent Work Can Be Important For Commercial Success

United Patent Research attends several tradeshows each year on behalf of its clients. At these tradeshows manufacturers often tell UPR’s representatives that they are mainly, or even exclusively, interested in inventions that are patented or patent pending. At the National
Hardware Show held this year in Las Vegas, a representative of a web based California invention development and marketing company communicated to UPR’s representative that they are solely interested in patented inventions. This is good news for UPR clients as United Patent Research has a large repertoire of patented inventions. UPR has proceeded to send this interested company an extensive listing of patented inventions conceived by UPR’s clients. Time and time again, UPR has noticed that attaining patent protection for an invention is not only a positive step in securing an inventor’s intellectual property rights, but is also a positive plus when presenting a new idea to a manufacturer.

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