Unique Canning Jar Lid Attracts Manufacturer Interest
The Starla Home Food Canning Lid, invented by United Patent Research (UPR) client Karla B., has received initial manufacturer interest from Progressive International Corporation. Following suggestions from United Patent Research and Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, the inventor mailed an information package to Progressive International Corporation. This company then proceeded to send the inventor their non-disclosure agreement. In order to insure that she was not signing away any intellectual property rights, the inventor sent Progressive International’s non-disclosure agreement to Universal Licensing for review. After review by Universal Licensing’s licensing attorney, the client was advised that the non-disclosure agreement was acceptable to sign. The inventor will be keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing regarding ongoing contacts with Progressive International Corporation. Starla Home Food Canning Lid is a unique jar lid especially designed to safely seal home canned foods such as jams. This lid provides easy and accurate visual confirmation that a canning jar is effectively sealed.