Inventors Attain Patent Pending Status

Several inventors working with United Patent Research have been notified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that their inventions have attained patent pending status. United Patent Research offers inventors a variety of assistance services. The following United Patent Research clients have achieved patent pending status for their inventions through United Patent Research’s assistance services.

  • Jay W. is the inventor of the practical Storm Door Latch Block which is a locking system for storm doors that provides significantly more security than standard storm door locks.
  • Another practical invention for both home and commercial use is the Sturdy Broom invented by Andrew W. The substantial but lightweight design of this broom, along with its easily replaceable heads, allows the Sturdy Broom to effectively handle multiple tasks at home and work.
  • With international trade booming, the Liftgate seems to have great potential. Invented by Michael M., the Liftgate is a device designed to facilitate the rapid and convenient loading of sea containers from cargo ships to transport trucks.
  • Inventors keep devising new products related to health and fitness. Donda H. invented Face On Face Off which helps to reduce excess facial fat.
  • For anyone desiring a compact, portable exercise device inventors Jose M. and Ernesto M. have invented the AIO Fitness Master. Although this device was especially created for the training of soccer players, anyone interested in a small, quality exercise device would find this unit to be of value.
  • New painting products are always welcome in the marketplace. Ray and Carolyn D. have invented the Snake-Brush which is an innovative paintbrush designed to make home/commercial painting easier and more accurate.
  • Designed by inventor David C. for locals where water conservation is necessary, the Recycle Shower permits shower water to be used multiple times.
  • New inventions are often created in order to solve problems. Leo H. invented the Escort Crest Marker in order to meet the challenge of keeping funeral processions in proper organization and alignment.
  • Another problem solving invention is the Tank Filter invented by George F. This invention is an innovative filter for herbicide backpack sprayers which effectively prevents the sprayer nozzle from clogging.
  • A very practical invention for men with beards is the 2 In 1 Adjustable Edger conceived by Donovan B. and Mayfield B. This beard grooming tool can easily be used to both trim and edge a beard.
  • In order to address a common problem, Dale B. invented the Dishwasher Upper Mount Repair Bracket which enables a broken dishwasher mounting to be quickly and easily repaired.
  • While many inventions are designed to solve practical problems, some inventions are designed to inspire us. Craig K. and Miranda S. are the inventors of the Seeker which is a unique t-shirt design incorporating an artistic and inspiring logo designed to identify the wearer in a positive manner.

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