Archive for December, 2017

Interest In Truck Accessory

At AAPEX 2017, United Patent Research (UPR) met with the President and the Sales and Marketing Director of a North American manufacturer that has offices in the U.S. and Canada as well as having ties to factories in China. UPR presented five hand selected products in addition to a category of products that we felt were a perfect niche for this major manufacturer. Dan S.’s (Smith) SXS Racks product stood out to the Sales and Marketing Director and we were asked to provide additional information on this innovative truck accessory. This inventor has working prototypes and has a beautiful presentation already in place for UPR to work with. We are in the process of putting the additional information together. We also will be contacting the inventor to bring him up to speed on the latest contacts with this company. We are looking forward to favorable results with this company in the very near future.

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Interest In Car Accessories

At AAPEX 2017, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a Midwest, United States company that has products made in China. Their specialty is car accessories. Several years ago, UPR was successful in getting non-disclosure agreements in place so that we can easily present products to this company while protecting the intellectual property rights of the inventors. There were three products which caught the eye of the President at this meeting. These products are:  James B.’s “Vehicle Breakdown Flag”, Belinda C.’s “Cage Pal” and Frederick R.’s “Door Protector”. UPR will be assembling information about these inventions to submit to this company. We look forward to following up with them in the very near future.

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Interest Shown In Two Tools

At SEMA 2017, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a North American manufacturer whose niche is specialty hand tools such as inspection mirrors, magnetic tools, spark plug tools, etc. In 2016, UPR was able to secure non-disclosure agreements to allow us to submit ideas to this company. At the show, UPR presented several products to the President which we felt were a good fit for their product line. Two products initially stood out: Dorman N.’s (Nuttall) Machinist Hammer and Matthew S.’s (Schroeder) DeHoser. We are in the process of putting information files together to send to this company, and at the same time we will be looking for other products that we feel can also fit their niche. Both inventors have prototypes and video presentations that UPR will be submitting to this company. If any interest is received, UPR will be contacting Universal Licensing, our licensing affiliate, for follow-up.

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Established Company Shows Interest in Five Inventions

At the AAPEX 2017 tradeshow, United Patent Research (UPR) revisited a major tool manufacturer that has been in business over 100 years. When meeting with the Vice President of Sales and Marketing, UPR presented a handful of products that we felt would fit this company’s market niche perfectly. They are always looking for new specialty tools that would expand their current product line to stay ahead of their competition. At the show this tool company had expressed interest in 5 products: John M.’s (Manuel) Double Swivel Locking Ratchet Wrench, Eugene W.’s (Wageman) SAE/Metric Wrench, James W.’s (Ward) Hydraulic Mechanics Creeper, Lee S.’s (Simpson) Knee Dolly, and Matthew S.’s (Schroeder) DeHoser. UPR is in the process of getting Non-Disclosure Agreements in place so that we can start making presentations immediately.

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Continuing Contacts With Major Company

Notes from AAPEX 2017: After meeting with a major North American manufacturer in November 2016, UPR is continuing to encourage this company to consider the merits of two products that were presented to them last year. This major manufacturer has revamped their entire new product development core and is looking to revisit ideas we had submitted previously. The two products that are still under review are: Joseph B.’s (Brunelle) Windshield Wiper Re-Blades, and David P.’s (Pender) Power Brush. UPR has traded emails with their New Product Development Coordinator. We hope to see some feedback from this major company in the very near future.

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Interest in the ID Collet, Kombo-Kutt, & the C.M.V. Safety Lamp

At the AAPEX 2017 Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with the Vice President, Tina W, of a major international company. We already have pre-agreements in place with this company for potential licensing. Currently this major tool company is selling their products in over 20 countries worldwide. At the show, there were 3 products that received specific interest: Lawrence S.’s (Smith) I.D. Collet, James A.’s (Andrews) Kombo-Kutt, and Aubrey A.’s (Ashley) C.M.V. Safety Lamp. UPR was also able to provide a video presentation at the show for this company to review. They expressed interest in possibly having the I.D. Collet manufactured in Taiwan. UPR will be following up in the very near future to see if there is any additional information that is needed. We will also be communicating with our licensing affiliate, Universal Licensing, regarding the possibilities for a licensing agreement.

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Two Medical Companies Show Interest In New Products

At the Medical Design and Manufacturing Trade Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with two manufacturers that specialize in producing medical products in a variety of fields. At the show, discussions were directed to putting together non-disclosure agreements for the future so that UPR can start submitting ideas to these companies for review. At the trade show UPR spoke to one company’s Senior Technical OEM Manager and another company’s Regional Sales Manager and we sent non-disclosure agreements for execution. One company had expressed interest in J. Green’s Uro-Condom. We are looking forward to getting these agreements in place so that we can start presenting a handful of medical products to both of these companies.

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