Archive for October, 2012

More Good News for Inventors

It is always good news when a Notice of Allowance is issued for an invention. After the United States Patent and Trademark Office thoroughly examines a patent application, and determines that the invention is worthy of being granted a United States patent, the Patent Office issues a Notice of Allowance. Notices of Allowance have been issued for the inventions of several inventors working with United Patent Research.

  • Inventor Stephanie A. is the creator of the Baby Helper Plus. This uniquely designed bag is designed to hold several days worth of diapers, wipes, baby lotion, etc. while keeping the baby wipes warm with a built-in warmer.
  • Harold C. is the inventor of the practical hunting accessory, Cooper’s Game Trailer. Especially designed with deer hunters in mind, this unique trailer easily and quickly attaches to an ATV allowing for a quick transfer of a newly downed dear to the hunter’s base camp.
  • Finally, Kathryn W. has created an innovative infant blanket especially designed to be used with front infant carrying packs. This blanket, called the Pea Pod, effectively keeps an infant cozy and warm, even during inclement weather, while providing convenient storage compartments for common baby accessories.

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Positive First Step for Inventors

Attaining patent pending status in the United States Patent and Trademark Office is a positive first step for inventors seeking to secure patent protection for their inventions. Once patent pending status has been secured, the inventor can claim in product promotion literature that his or her invention is “patent pending”. Several inventors working with United Patent Research have been informed that their inventions are now patent pending.

  • Robert W. is the inventor of the Coax Junction Box which permits an incoming cable signal to be sent wirelessly to televisions, phones, and computers. The inventor emphasizes that this invention is very easy to set-up and use.
  • Inventor Jeffrey H. is the creator of the inexpensive Windshield Road Guide which enables a driver to easily and safely stay within a highway lane.
  • After having years of experience in the funeral home business, Hal M. has created a new style Cremation Urn with a truly unique design.
  • New clothing items are constantly being created around the world. United Patent Research clients Timothy P. and Georgianna P. are the inventors of the Freedom Pantie/Freedom Thong. This innovative clothing item for women permits a woman to discretely urinate without removing her shorts or pants.
  • Electricians and home/office builders around the world should find the E-Z Junction Box to be of significant value. Inventor Ivan P. conceived this invention so that electrical wires of different voltages can be effectively organized and routed in a significantly shorter time than with conventional junction boxes.

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Tradeshow Attendance Generates Interest in Inventions

United Patent Research prides itself on the tradeshow attendance service it provides for its clients. At these tradeshows the representative of UPR offers the corporate attendees an opportunity to review inventions contained in UPR’s extensive inventory of patented inventions. Once a company has signed the necessary non-disclosure agreement promising confidentially, UPR proceeds to supply the company with detailed information about the invention(s) of interest to the company. After the International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago this year, a company emailed United Patent Research saying: “Yes, we are always looking for new products. You know its not easy finding the right product. If we find a winner its good for all. Let’s find one!”  United Patent Research is maintaining contact with this interested company in hopes securing a beneficial licensing agreement for one or more of UPR’s clients.

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Negotiations Continue to Advance for Shower Liner

United Patent Research client Douglas P. is carefully monitoring the progress in negotiations with a major company regarding his unique shower liner. The negotiations have reached the stage where specific royalty percentages (i.e., monetary payments) are being discussed. Douglas is heavily relying on the experience and legal expertise of Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, to guide him through the negotiation process. Douglas’ invention, the Zip N Clean, is a patented new design for a shower liner. The unique design of this shower liner permits the liner to easily be removed for washing without opening the grommets or the shower curtain support rings. After washing, the liner can be quickly re-attached to the shower curtain support rings in one easy step.

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Patent Pending Is an Important Milestone

Attaining patent pending status is an important milestone in the advancement of an invention. Once an invention has attained patent pending status in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the inventor can declare in promotional literature, and on the invention itself, that the invention is “patent pending”. United Patent Research client Rondalin B. is the inventor of the Mascara Shield. This innovative cosmetic aid allows a woman to easily and accurately place mascara without smudging. As the mascara does not come in contact with the user’s skin, the health of the skin is protected and touch-ups are not required. Brett L. and Kristy L. are the inventors of a unique boxing training aid called Mixed Martial Arts Training Gloves. These innovative practice gloves are designed for mixed martial arts training and help to train the user to make precision punches and effectively block punches. Finally, Mark L. and Sandi L. are the inventors of Mustup which is an innovative condiment for hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. This unique condiment provides such an invigorating flavor sensation that most people will find that this is the only condiment they need to use.

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Inventors Receive China Patents

Two inventors working with United Patent Research are very happy to have received official patent certificates from the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office. These inventors can now feel confident that their intellectual property rights will be protected in the expanding China marketplace.

  • Inventor David B. conceived the Airtricity Charger which is an innovative, auxiliary electrical charger especially designed to be used with electric and hybrid electric cars. This electrical charging device helps to keep the car’s batteries charged as well as providing electrical current to assist in the cooling and heating of the car’s interior. The efficient design of this wind driven device allows for electrical current to be produced by the slightest breeze.
  • The other United Patent Research client receiving a China patent is David P. who has conceived the practical Power Brush. This rechargeable cleaning/polishing tool is especially designed to be effective in hard to reach areas such as car/truck wheel walls. Interchangeable, rotating cleaning/polishing heads provide extensive versatility.

It should be noted that both of these inventors have also been issued United States patent certificates by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

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European Company Shows Interest in the Power Brush

A major European company has communicated to United Patent Research client David P. that their review of his invention should be completed by the end of October. David’s invention, the Power Brush, is a powered cleaning/polishing tool especially designed to be effective in hard to reach areas such as car/truck wheel walls. Versatility of this invention is assured by the use of interchangeable, rotating cleaning/polishing heads and rechargeable batteries. David will be keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, regarding this manufacturer contact.

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Testimonial from the Inventor of the Foul Shooter

United Patent Research prides itself on the quality of customer care and service it provides. UPR client Albert K. has expressed appreciation for the service he has been receiving from UPR has follows: “So far I feel we have a very professional business relationship and I chose the right patent company.”  Albert’s invention, the Foul Shooter, is an innovative basketball accessory designed to increase the accuracy of foul shooting. This easy to use practice device can significantly increase the foul shooting aim of both beginning and experienced basketball players.

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