Archive for May, 2012

Taco Accessory Receives Manufacturer Interest

A manufacturer of kitchen related products has shown initial interest in the Taco Rack invented by Bryant and Erica T. These United Patent Research clients have invented an innovative cooking accessory designed to facilitate the cooking and serving of several tacos at the same time. The interested manufacturer contacted Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, and requested information about the Taco Rack. After the manufacturer signed a Confidential Disclosure Agreement, Universal Licensing provided additional information about this very practical cooking accessory. Bryant and Erica will be keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing regarding this manufacturer contact.

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Windmill Electricity Generator Receives Interest

Scott A., inventor of the Apthorp Windmill, has been informed that G.E. Trost and Associates have signed a Confidential Disclosure Agreement and have requested information about his innovative electrical generator. Scott believes that his wind powered electrical generator is capable of generating electricity more efficiently than conventional wind powered generators. The flexible design of the device permits it to be used in both small and large power generation environments. The inventor will be receiving advice and guidance from Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, regarding this manufacturer contact.

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