Archive for October, 2011

Companies Show Interest in Unique ATV

Inventor David G. is pleased that he has received initial manufacturer interest in his unique ATV which he calls the Amp X. A Product Manager representing the Argo product line contacted David and requested a discussion regarding his invention. Additionally, Polaris Industries, Inc. contacted David regarding the proper procedures to use in order to submit information about his invention to their company. David’s invention, the AMP X, is a cleverly designed sports vehicle which combines the capabilities of an ATV with the capabilities of a jet ski.

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Corporation Shows Interest in Veterinary Tool

Nu-Devices Corporation has signed a non-disclosure agreement with inventor Roy P. and requested additional information about his animal care invention. This invention, the Pillabuster, is a unique veterinary tool designed to easily and effectively grind pills for animals into a fine powder which can easily be placed in the animals’ food. Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, proceeded to contact Nu-Devices Corporation with additional information regarding this useful animal care device.

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Inventor Testimonials

Inventor David Z. expressed his appreciation for the inventor assistance services of United Patent Research as follows: “You guys stuck to the plan. Christine spelled out all the steps, including the small details that could arise – wonderful communication, no surprises. I look forward to doing continued business with you”.
David Z., inventor of the Coreboard Surfer

Inventor Garrett G. has expressed great satisfaction with the inventor assistance services he has been receiving from United Patent Research. He commented that: “Your staff has been fantastic. Jack Cameron and George Henry are the best. I hope that this invention takes off. I believe in this product and have two working prototypes. I hope we can all benefit from its success.” Garrett’s invention, the Inner Cooler Debris and Rock Deflector, is a practical accessory for cars and trucks built with engines having turbo inner coolers. This inexpensive, yet rugged, accessory prevents debris from entering and damaging the inner cooler.
Garrett G., inventor of the Inner Cooler Debris and Rock Deflector

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UPR Clients Achieve Patent Pending Status

Several inventors working with United Patent Research have been notified that their inventions have attained patent pending status in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. These inventions represent diverse areas of inventive creativity. Several inventions relate to new shoe concepts. The Quick Fix, invented by Laketa W. and Bernard C., is an innovative shoe design for women which allows a heel to be quickly and easily replaced either as a heal repair or as a fashion statement. The Soft Skull Slippers, invented by Steven K., are unique house slippers combining foot comfort with a truly distinctive design. Another new shoe concept is Shu Wraps, invented by Wendy G. and Jennifer T., which allow a woman to comfortably wear pumps which are a little too large while enabling the woman to customize her foot attire to coordinate with her total outfit. For mothers with an infant, Stephanie A. invented the Baby Helper Plus which is a uniquely designed bag designed to hold several days worth of diapers, wipes, baby lotion, etc. Another useful invention for infants is Bumper Guards, invented by Teresa P., which protect infants in cribs by cushioning the crib rails without restricting air flow. To help with laundry chores, Stacy J. invented the Ezy-Sort Laundry Basket which facilitates the sorting of clothes for washing. Alexander G. invented a very useful cold drink accessory, called the Cold Cup Sleeve, which permits a user to enjoy a cold drink without experiencing wet hands or subjecting furniture to condensation moisture. In order to increase snow plow efficiency, Kenneth M. invented Snow Plow Sides which enable users to completely remove snow without pushing a portion of the snow to the side. Kenneth W.’s invention, Hydraulic Release, is an innovative tool used in the maintenance of hydraulic lines. For the motorcyclist, Matthew and Gloria B. have created the Royal Motorcycle Seats which utilize a unique combination of supporting materials in order to provide users with optimum comfort along with additional security. Edward B. and Lawrence F. are the inventors of the practical Wheel Helper. This innovative accessory for weed wackers and power washers permits these tools to be easily moved and maneuvered with greatly reduced user effort thereby increasing their effectiveness. Another useful tool is the GRV Spade, invented by George V., which is especially useful in clearing debris from rock and concrete drill holes. For people who love to grill but don’t wish to get too close to the fire, Ernest and Betty B. have created the Open Fire/Outdoor Portocooker. This portable grill is especially valuable to people who are disabled. Lynne L. is the inventor of Dry Conditioning Shampoo which enables users to quickly clean and condition their hair without the use of water. The proprietary mixture of natural ingredients is environmentally friendly and does not remove natural oils from hair. Finally, John M. has invented the practical Easy Load and Unload which permits a single user to easily load and unload trucks, station wagons, and SUVs without excessive strain or bending.

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