Archive for April, 2010

Client Testimonial

Upon a recent visit to the Headquarters of United Patent Research, inventor Jacob D. commented on the quality of service he has been receiving from UPR. He stated that: “Christine treated me like I was family and never pressured me but encouraged me. She was very excellent and professional. She was always upfront with me. Knowing her and Al  really encouraged me to further pursue my product. If it wasn’t for Christine I wouldn’t be here today, and I am not forgetting Al.”  Jacob is the inventor of an innovative emergency device which quickly and effectively alerts emergency personnel of serious accidents.
Jacob D., inventor of the Emergency Cell Phone

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China Patents Issued for the Schnoggle and the Klean Deck

United Patent Research client John H. has been mailed an issued China patent regarding his innovative goggle/mask. This invention, the Schnoggle, effectively blocks wind and harmful sun rays while maintaining good visibility. Kenneth D., inventor of the Klean Deck, also has been mailed an issued China patent. The Klean Deck is an innovative device designed to allow the easy and convenient cleaning of the cutting blades and blade deck of a lawn mower or garden tractor.

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Manufacturer Shows Interest in the Cozy Coat

Tristar Products, Inc. has offered to review the innovative house coat invented by United Patent Research client Janelle C. Tristar Products sent Janelle their Submission and Confidentiality Agreement. Janelle then proceeded to have Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, review this confidentiality agreement. Universal Licensing advised Janelle that this agreement provided legal assurance of confidentiality and thus it would be advisable to sign the agreement. Janelle will be keeping Universal Licensing apprised of future developments with Tristar Products.

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Licensing Specialist Assists UPR Clients

A licensing specialist from Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, has been assigned to assist several United Patent Research clients. This licensing specialist noted that practical fishing products are always in demand. Accordingly, he believes that the Jug Line Fishing Device, invented by Steven and Deanna B., as well as the Fish Flipper for Hook Removal, invented by Cori and Brian M., are especially promising inventions. The licensing specialist also has high expectations for the functional, yet decorative, patio storage system invented by Susan L. and Joseph R., as well as for an innovative, sink drain protector invented by Anthony C. Regarding ongoing progress for United Patent Research clients, the licensing specialist noted that Russell S. has received a possible purchase order for his innovative baseball/softball training device.  Inventor Claire D. has received initial interest in her novel shopping bag from a high-end retailer, and Maris L. is reviewing her options to place her eco-friendly shopping bag in stores nationwide.

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Foreign Patents Issued to United Patent Research Clients

Patent work is proceeding successfully for several United Patent Research clients who have applied for European and China patents.

  • Ernest and Leslie F., inventors of the Miracle Shelf, have been informed that their EU Community patent application has actually been granted. The Miracle Shelf is an innovative accessory table primarily designed for use with pools, although it can also be useful for bathtubs and sinks.
  • John N., has recently been mailed his issued European patent regarding his innovative child car seat. This car seat quickly and easily adjusts to an individual child at the push of a button.
  • Keith and Desiree I., inventors of the Ten Can Liner, have been mailed a European patent for their invention which permits a user to quickly and easily load several trash can liners into a home or commercial trash can in one easy step.
  • Likewise, Kenneth P., inventor of the Ladder Lift, has been mailed an issued European patent for his innovative ladder accessory.

These inventors now have patent protection in all the nations belonging to the European Economic Community.

Regarding patent activity in the Pacific region, Harold C. was recently mailed an official Chinese patent certificate for his invention, the Attic Diaper. This invention is a unique home construction/repair item designed to keep attics dry even during extremely damp weather conditions.

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Patents Issued for Four United Patent Research Client Inventions

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has recently issued Patents for four United Patent Research clients.

  • Todd T. invented Foney Water which is a unique heath beverage offering the user an instant energy boost using only nutritious, natural ingredients. The patent provides coverage for the unique design of the bottle for this innovative energy drink.
  • Elizabeth C.’s invention is a novel baby bottle designed to facilitate feeding babies in a relatively short time. The product would be especially useful in feeding a baby while in a car.
  • Michael and Gail B. invented a unique memory card storage box which allows a user to easily and effectively store digital camera memory cards.
  • James and Linda D. have been issued a patent for their innovative fan system for welding helmets. This fan system defogs the helmet in additional to providing welcome cooling.

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Neiman Marcus Shows Interest in the Chichi Bagz

United Patent Research client Claire D. is excited about the initial interest shown in her invention by upscale retailer Neiman Marcus. The Chichi Bagz is an innovative shopping bag designed to be used instead of paper or plastic retail bags. The Chichi Bagz is unique, stylish, and eco-friendly. Claire is keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, regarding this positive development.

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Client Testimonial

Inventor Allen David C. recently commented on the professional service he has been receiving from United Patent Research’s New Project Manager as follows: “He (Mike Williams) was very professional and was always there when we called with any questions.” Allen, along with Patricia S., is the inventor of Patty’s Magic Window Cleaner. This is a tool designed to easily clean truck windows that are often difficult to clean using conventional window cleaning tools.
Allen David C., inventor of Patty’s Magic Window Cleaner

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China Patent Approved for the Snug-Ease

United Patent Research is proud to announce that a China patent has been granted for the Snug-Ease invented by UPR client Caroline S. The Snug-Ease is an innovative clothing accessory designed to permit the user to adjust pants, skirts, or shorts so that they will be appropriately snug.

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Manufacturer Interest in the Trucker’s Table

United Patent Research clients Danny P. and Armando R. have been contacted by Sterling Technologies regarding their innovative trucking accessory, the Trucker’s Table. Sterling Technologies signed a non-disclosure agreement with the inventors promising to keep all information about their invention confidential. The inventors are keeping in close contact with Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, regarding these positive developments.

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