Archive for February, 2010

Client Testimonials

Earl, a United Patent Research client, recently commented on the professional service he has been receiving from United Patent Research as follows: “The professional part has been outstanding. Their willingness, also being there ready for me, has been gratefully respected. Very professional, respectful, helpful, and very kind”.
Earl B., inventor of the Location Light

Cathy, another UPR client, stated that United Patent Research services are “handled in a professional way”.
Cathy E., inventor of the Wheelchair Bag

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Patents Approved/ Issued For UPR Clients

United Patent Research client Todd T. has been notified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that a patent has been granted for his invention. Todd’s invention is a unique health/energy beverage using natural ingredients.

United Patent Research client Paul G., inventor of Material Comfort, has been notified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that his patent application has been approved. His invention, Maternal Comfort, is an innovative chair designed to meet the comfort needs of pregnant woman.

Mark K., inventor of an innovative toilet paper dispenser, has been mailed an official patent certificate issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

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Trademark Work Progresses for UPR Clients

Trademark work has been progressing for several United Patent Research clients. Kevin I. and Timothy I., inventors of Fun Flush, have been notified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that their mark “FUN FLUSH” will be published in the Official Gazette. Elizabeth C., inventor of Baby Tay, has been informed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that her mark will be published in the Official Gazette. The Baby Tay is an innovative invention designed to facilitate feeding babies. Finally, Shannette L. has been informed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office that her trademark has been allowed. Shannette is the inventor of the Saving Grace Swing, an innovative swing designed especially for infants/babies.

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Several Inventors Attain Patent Pending Status

Several United Patent Research clients have recently attained patent pending status for their inventions at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. These inventors are: Barbara L., inventor of the environmentally friendly Green Lunch Box; Reginald H., inventor of an innovative nightlight; Carroll G., inventor of the practical Diaper Lock; Grady H., inventor of the Bracket For Metal Post; Eric J., inventor of an innovative mirror designed for use where visibility into adjacent hallways is difficult or impossible; Kathryn W., inventor of the Pea Pod; Kellis Byron C. and Virginia C., inventors of the Universal Spring-Loaded Attachment; Juan C., inventor  of the Greasewood Camo; Bruce B., inventor of Memory Print; Percy P., inventor of the Pool Cover Support, a unique pool accessory designed to keep round swimming pools free of debris; and Rick S., inventor of an innovative accessory for crock pots which prevents food from sticking to the bottom and sides of a crock pot and ensures that the food ingredients are cooked evenly and thoroughly.

As attaining patent pending status adds to the viability and credibility of an invention, these inventors are proud of the progress their invention projects have achieved. Now that these inventors have achieved patent pending status, they will be able to take advantage of the invention licensing assistance of Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research.

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European Economic Community Patents Granted

United Patent Research is glad to announce that the European Economic Community has notified the following inventors that their Application(s) for Registered Community Design have been approved and formally registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market.

The Miracle Shelf, invented by Frank and Leslie F., which is an accessory table primarily designed for use with pools, although it can also be useful for bathtubs and sinks.

Shower Wraps, invented by Connie and Carl P., is an innovative product which will enable patients recovering from injury or surgery to safely and conveniently shower while protecting the integrity of a cast or a bandage.

The Multi Shopping Cart Sanitizer, invented by Marvin S. and Nikhil S., is a unique product designed to effectively and quickly sanitize multiple shopping carts.

Official Certificates of Registration have been mailed to all these United Patent Research Clients.

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Technology Company Shows Interest in the Apthorp Windmill

Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, recently reported that Ashland Technology Inc. has signed a confidentiality agreement with United Patent Research client Scott A. Scott’s invention, the Apthorp Windmill, is a newly designed, windmill electrical generator having increased power generating efficiency compared to conventional wind powered generating systems. Universal Licensing will be advising Scott regarding the proper steps to take in dealing with the interested manufacturer.

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Client Testimonials

Beverly, a United Patent Research client, expressed her impressions of her two United Patent Research consultants as follows: “both knowledgeable; took the time to explain; patient”.
Beverely E., inventor of the Electric Traveler and Easy Grip

Joseph, another UPR client, was very satisfied with his United Patent Research consultant and communicated to UPR that his consultant was: “very helpful and accommodating”; “very informative”; “wonderful”; and, “he always made me feel at ease and was more than a gentleman at all times”.
Joseph M., inventor of Knees Ease

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Inventions Become Patent Pending

Several United Patent Research clients recently attained patent pending status at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. These inventors are: Bruce B., inventor of the Memory Print; Kellis Bryon C. and Virginia C, inventors of the Universal Spring-Loaded Attachment; and, Rick S., inventor of the Crock Pot Helper. Now that these inventors are patent pending, they will be able to take advantage of the invention licensing assistance of Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research.

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European Patent Granted for the Assisted Swivel Stand

United Patent Research clients Jeff P. and Russ W. have recently been mailed the European Economic Community’s official certificate of registration regarding their invention, the Assisted Swivel Stand. This innovative device enables a handicapped person to easily and quickly get into or out of a bed or chair.

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The ReBag It Advances

The ReBag It, invented by United Patent Research client Maris L., is close to being offered for sale in the United States. Currently, production of this environmentally friendly carrying bag is progressing in China and units will soon be available for sale in the United States. Universal Licensing, the licensing affiliate of United Patent Research, is attempting to arrange for the distribution and sale of the ReBag It in the United States.

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