Archive for May, 2017

Meeting with Multinational Company

At the NY Now show in August, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a major home goods manufacturer that also specializes in kitchenware and cookware. After meeting with the President of the company, we needed to have another meeting with the Design Director. That meeting manifested itself at the Housewares Show in Chicago in March, 2017. At the tradeshow in Chicago, there were open discussions about putting in a pre-Non Disclosure Agreement (pre-NDA) in place where UPR will be able to effortlessly submit proprietary information since legal documents will be signed in advance. In the meantime, we are prepared to provide non-proprietary information as a tool to generate interest. We hope to have some sort of resolution within the next few weeks because we feel that this company has a strong hold in North America as they have offices in the U.S. as well as Canada.

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Productive Meeting With Midwest Manufacturer

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a representative of a Midwest manufacturer who has been in business for over 34 years. After meeting with a member of the Chain Management Team, he indicated that they were very much looking for kitchen products and vacuum flasks. After studying their product assortment, it was obvious that many of their products touch a wide variety of the products conceived by inventors working with UPR. UPR believes these products will get a very favorable response when they are presented to this manufacturer. We are in the process of putting together our first package of selected inventions which we will be submitting to this manufacturer in the very near future. We hope to build a long working relationship with this company as this company has maintained a strong foundation in the home and housewares industry.

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United Patent Research Meets With Senior Scientist

On Monday, March 20th, 2017, at the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a major manufacturer that sells consumer products in over 50 countries. UPR was pleased to have a meeting with one of the manufacturer’s senior scientists who works in their Department of Research and Development. We briefly discussed the possibility of putting a pre-Non Disclosure Agreement (pre-NDA) in place. In the meantime, we will be submitting drinkware products as they are now looking to expand that product department.

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New Manufacturer Contact

At the Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with a manufacturer that specializes in insulated bottles, kitchen accessories, and containers. UPR is proud to have a wide selection of products in all three of those categories. We are going to be introducing a handful of products to this company in order to see how quickly they react to invention submissions. Once “getting our feet wet”, we hope to establish a long-term relationship with this company with the goal of securing successful licensing agreements for inventors working with us.

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UPR Maintains Communication With Major Company

At the International Home and Housewares Show, United Patent Research (UPR) met with an As Seen on TV company which has received invention submissions from UPR in the past. UPR has been very diligent in trying to get documentation in place whereby pre-Non Disclosure Agreements (pre-NDAs) can be signed in advance thereby allowing the process of submitting invention ideas to be a lot quicker and smoother. At the present time, UPR will continue to make regular submissions to this company, and we are hopeful that a pre-NDA is on the horizon.

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First Time Meeting With Major Manufacturer

United Patent Research (UPR) met for the first time with a North American based manufacturer that specializes in unique kitchen utensils and gadgets. Many ideas are usually generated in order to solve a unique problem or to make the completion of a task much easier. Since most ideas are dreamed of after encountering a problem in the household or working outdoors, we feel we will have plenty of unique kitchen items that would be a perfect fit for this company. At this meeting we had the pleasure of sitting down with the Vice President/Designer. This individual takes part in a lot of the decisions as to which products will be developed each year. At this time we are in the process of compiling a list of products that we feel would fit this company’s market niche beautifully. We are also in the process of negotiating the execution of a general non-disclosure agreement which would make the submission process much more fluid. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with this company and receiving some feedback in the very near future regarding the inventions that we will be submit shortly.

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