Archive for June, 2012

Good News for the Inventor of Shoe Links

It is always a good day for an inventor when official notification from the United States Patent and Trademark Office arrives stating that the inventor’s invention is patent pending. United Patent Research client Roxan K. has received a formal filing receipt from the U.S. Patent Office communicating that her invention, Shoe Links, is patent pending. Shoe Links are innovative shoe accessories which securely hold tied shoe laces in place. As they can be produced using various materials and colors, Shoe Links can inconspicuously blend in with a shoe lace or stand out as a fashion statement.

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Notices of Allowance Granted to UPR Clients

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued Notices of Allowance for several of the inventions conceived by United Patent Research clients. After careful review, the Patent Office has deemed that patents can be issued for these inventions.

  • Timothy H. is the inventor of the innovative Excess Elimination Device. This new storage container design enables all the contents of a storage drum or storage tank to be completely used without tilting the container.
  • For wine lovers around the world, Michael H. invented the Chillynder. This is a non-electric wine cooler which can be effectively used in both indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Anyone who has experienced a bird infestation problem would appreciate Yellow Stick conceived by Preston J. This device easily disburses birds in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Another invention which provides a solution of problem is the Stop-Sit chair cover designed by Kyanna K. This accessory for salon barber and styling chairs provides artistic enhancement to the salon while discouraging salon chairs from being occupied by unwanted personnel.
  • Robert and Michelle K. are the inventors of the truly unique Suspension and Illumination Display Cases. These attractive, portable display cases allow an observer to view both sides of a coin or medallion without touching the object being viewed.
  • With increased safety in mind, Alfred L. conceived the Universal Ladder Leveler which is a ladder extension designed to provide stability to a ladder resting on an uneven surface.
  • Another practical safety device is the Trailer Tongue Jack Weight Scale invented by Edwin S. With this device the driver of a car or truck that is attached to a trailer can accurately know the weight of the trailer that is being hauled.

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China Patent Work Advances for the Power Brush

Increasing numbers of inventors working with United Patent Research are choosing to pursue patent protection in China in addition to securing patent protection in the United States. The shear size of the China marketplace encourages inventors to consider pursuing patent protection in China. United Patent Research client David P. is the inventor of the practical Power Brush. This unique, powered cleaning/polishing tool is designed to be effective in hard to reach areas such as car/truck wheel walls. The China Patent Office has issued an official Notification of Granting Patent Right to David thereby informing him that his China application for patent has been granted.

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Inventors Receive Official United States Patent Certificates

It is always a big day for an inventor when an official United States patent certificate is received in the mail. Years of hard work and creative activity are finally acknowledged by this important and meaningful document.

  • One of these inventors, Patrick A., created the Back Scratcher which is a uniquely designed back scratcher that combines a bit of humor with the ability to effectively scratch hard to reach areas on one’s back.
  • Jeremiah K. is the inventor of the Fiber Optic Garland. This innovative, decorative lighting system is designed for outside or inside use and uses very energy efficient components.
  • Women around the world can appreciate the Pony Cap conceived by United Patent Research clients Kimberly and Ronald B. The Pony Cap provides warmth while maintaining a stylish presentation of a ponytail, and can be customized by fashionable accessories.
  • A very practical accessory for GPS owners is the GPS Hood invented by Stephen A. This accessory for portable GPS units effectively blocks sun and glare on the GPS screen.

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Trademark Applications Filed for UPR Clients

Although patent protection is of paramount importance to inventors, trademark protection can be a valuable asset.

  • David B. is the inventor of the Airtricity Charger which is an innovative, auxiliary electrical charger especially designed to be used with electric and hybrid electric cars. The trademark that is being applied for is WINDIDIT.
  • David P. is the inventor of the practical Power Brush. This powered cleaning/polishing tool is especially designed to be effective in hard to reach areas such as car/truck wheel walls. The trademark the inventor is applying for is the very appropriate name: WAKWAK-WITCH.
  • Keith S.’s invention is the computer age Online Yearbook. This computerized yearbook can easily be searched, and updated as the student makes new school friends and achieves new accomplishments. The trademark being applied for is: FRNZ.
  • Inventors like to solve problems. For individuals with limited mobility, Richard E. invented the Scrub Buddy. This easy to use bathroom accessory is designed to permit an individual with limited mobility to effectively clean his or her back. The trademark that is being applied for is: BACK ZONE.

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Inventions Advance in the China Patent Office

Although United Patent Research emphasizes the importance of securing patent protection in the United States, UPR realizes the value of patent protection in the ever growing China marketplace. Raymond and Alice R. have received an official filing receipt from the China patent office confirming that their invention is now patent pending in China. Their invention, the Dip Stick, is an innovative accessory for any motor which requires the use of oil. It is easy to use and takes the guesswork out of adding the proper amount of oil to an engine. Likewise, Timothy C. is glad that his invention, Foot Light, in now patent pending in China. Foot Light is an innovative personal light which enables the user to safely walk in the dark. The unique design permits the user to conveniently and rapidly attach the device to a foot in darkened conditions.

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Patent Pending Notification is Good News for Inventors

Receiving notification that an invention has attained patent pending status is always good news for inventors. Once an invention has attained patent pending status, an inventor can feel more confident in approaching manufacturers regarding the invention. United Patent Research client Dale J. is glad to have received a formal patent filing receipt from the United States Patent and Trademark Office regarding his invention, Portable Privacy. This practical invention is a portable lavatory providing privacy in emergency situations. Additionally, Portable Privacy can be a very practical accessory for camping, fishing, and hunting. New learning tools are very welcome creations. Vennetta S. and Mary I. are the proud inventors of the King Tut (and His Family) Game. This colorful board game provides a fun filled way to learn ancient Egyptian history.

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Inventors Receive Official Patent Certificates

Inventors eagerly wait for the day when, at the end of the patent process, they finally receive an official patent certificate from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. At this time an inventor can proudly display an official patent certificate showing that the inventor’s invention has been thoroughly reviewed and approved by the Patent Office.

  • Maria E. invented a practical laundry accessory, the Clothes Dryer Lint Collector Vacuum Attachment Accessory Nozzle. This unique vacuum cleaner accessory is designed to facilitate the easy and effective removal of lint from clothes dryers.
  • For camping, picnics, and outdoor parties Thomas F. has invented the Outdoorsman Cooler which is an innovative beverage cooler especially designed for convenient transport and outdoor use.
  • Another practical invention is the Home Insect Windscreen invented by United Patent Research client Gene S. This invention is especially useful in Summer as it significantly reduces the possibility that insects will enter a home when a door is opened.
  • For people who love to fish, Thomas T. invented the Jitter Blade. This innovative fishing lure is designed to attract surface feeding fish by emitting a sound which mimics an insect that fish love to eat.
  • Another practical invention which solves problems for many users is the Stresles Shovel invented by Joseph H. This unique shovel is designed to permit very low effort shoveling along with easy transportation of the shoveled material. This new shovel design is truly a “back saving” device.
  • Finally, a cutting edge medical product, Micro Valve Technology, was conceived by inventors Dr. Kenneth E. and Tawni S. This medical device is designed to make the use of catheters safer and more effective. Use of this device prevents the loss of blood during catheter insertion and removal and helps to insure the integrity of the vein.

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China Patent Issued for Innovative Storage Container

United Patent Research client Timothy H. is pleased to have received an official China patent certificate for his unique storage container, the Excess Elimination Device. This innovative storage container design enables all the contents of a storage drum or storage tank to be completely used without tilting the container. Although designed with larger storage containers in mind, this container design can be used with containers of any size. The Excess Elimination Device is currently patent pending in the United States and Europe.

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A Great Day For Inventors

It’s always a great day for inventors when they receive official notification from the United States Patent and Trademark Office that their inventions have attained patent pending status. Several inventors working with United Patent Research have received notification from the Patent Office that their inventions are now Patent Pending.

  • Tamara B. is the proud inventor of the Car Pocket. This innovative automobile accessory allows the user to easily dispense business cards and/or advertisement brochures to people passing by a parked car.
  • In order to enhance the night fishing experience, Carl and Ava C. have invented the Glow Float. This night fishing accessory easily attaches to a standard fishing line and provides useful light for night fishing as well as indicating when a fish is biting on the bait.
  • Finally, Eva D. and Reckie H. have invented the Unique Shutter Covers which easily fit on established window shutters and can turn a boring home exterior into an eye catching work of art.

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