Archive for December, 2008

Latest News 12-22-08

Inventor T. Meyer has received interest from a well known manufacturer.  All necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed and negotiations will begin shortly.  The manufacturer has shown interest in reviewing additional products and has been given UL’s password to view those products.

An interested marketing group will be assigning inventor M. Bates four feet of shelf space at their Chicago tradeshow and will assistance in any licensing or distribution of product for M. Bates. This well known marketing group can also assist in mass production.

Trademark Applications have been signed and filed for the following clients:

T. Gogan

E. Edge

S. Scott

L. Ercolini

M. Hollingsworth

F. Emmerich

K. Hobbs

M. Kitt

A. Barker

L. Mandon

H. Coles


Inventor C. Lawrimore has received interest from a North American manufacturer, all necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed, and negotiations will begin in the near future.  This manufacturer has also been givens UL’s password to view other products.

Inventor J. Stalter has also received interest from a North American manufacturer, all necessary confidentiality agreements have been signed, and negotiations will begin soon. 


Another marketing group has shown interest in R. Wilson’s product. Proprietary information has been received. Universal Licensing is waiting on a copy of the patent to finish negotiations; this should be completed within two weeks.


Inventor G. Duncan has two manufacturing companies interested in his new product and has received a letter back in acknowledgment of patent pending. Negotiations should being soon.


G. Gertz has received a letter from a well known corporation interested in his new product. Their vice president of technology has signed all necessary documents to start negations. Once documents have been received negotiations will begin.


Inventor D. Carrick received receipt of patent pending approval on November 28th.

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Latest News 12-17-08

UPR Owner and President Pat Ralston met with a New York marketing firm at the Chicago tradeshow in March, 2008. This firm has contacted Universal Licensing’s Attorney Michael Freedman to schedule a conference call to speak about our inventors’ products; they are interested in producing the next HOT product.

Universal Licensing’s Attorney Michael Freedman is negotiating a licensing agreement with a marketing group in Illinois interested in inventor M. Bates and her new product.  M. Bates has created a new website, visit  She will also be attending the tradeshow with the marketing team to demonstrate her product and generate new licensing prospects.

This same Illinois marketing group has a conference call scheduled for 4:00 today with Michael Freedman of Universal Licensing and UPR Owner Pat Ralston to discuss other products to license as well.

San Antonio Inventor and UPR Owner Pat Ralston continue negotiations concerning his finished product.

Inventor J. Lockmueller is continuing negotiations with three major manufacturers.

Inventor D. Gosterski has received interest from a North American manufacturer; negotiations should begin in the near future.

Inventor T. Osborn’s Utility Patent application has been signed and mailed.


Inventors L. Stewart & B. James have received an informal provisional patent.  They will be receiving their formal filing receipt within a few weeks.


Receipts have been received and have been sent to following clients. Patent Pending as of November 2008:

S. Aptorp

H. Brooks

S. Alessi

D. Brown



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Now IS the Time for Innovation! 12-15-08

   If you’ve been asking yourself whether or not now is a good time to do something with your idea, you’re not alone.  Headlines have been saturated with words like global crisis, bailout, panic selling and financial meltdown.  So, everyone is worried that the free market system is in jeopardy.  More than likely, though, we are experiencing a period of correction that will barely be a bump on the paved road of prosperity.  And here’s the proof that your idea will make the difference…


There is no doubt that our current economic problems are serious, but, in order to get a sense of where we’re at, let’s compare today’s problems with another period of economic turbulence.  In late 1980, we experienced the “misery index” when inflation was at 13%, interest rates were at 20% and unemployment was sky rocketing.  Currently we are not experiencing this kind of trauma.  What is interesting is how fast the country recovered from this economic downfall.


What about the stock market?  Toward the end of the third quarter (2008) it lost 40% of its value.  Keep in mind that in the early 1980s the U.S. economy had huge problems.  Many people panicked and put their money in Treasury bills or bought gold in search of a safe haven.  A $10,000 initial investment in gold would now be worth $22,525;  the same amount in T-Bills would be worth $37,778.  What about investors that bet on U.S. economic progress by investing in the Dow stocks?  Their initial $10,000 would now be worth more than $288,000—even after the stock market crash of 1987 and including today’s problems.


The health of the U.S. economy depends heavily upon the vitality of our industrial and manufacturing base.  America‘s future hinges on maximizing innovation.  U.S. investors have traditionally been willing to take risks on new ideas;  consumers embrace new products and this country protects and rewards research and innovation through intellectual property rights.  Throughout our 225 + year history, ingenuity has been a hallmark of America’s strength.  The pioneer spirit of entrepreneurship is the foundation of our economy.


The many wonderful products that make our lives easier and more productive did not just happen by accident.  Someone took the trouble to invent them and someone found a way to produce them at a price most of us could afford.  Traditionally, these inventions are a product of U.S. innovation, and the engine that transforms innovation into affordable products is manufacturing. 


Historically, it is the achievements and creativity of individual inventors that have powered the dynamo of innovation.  According to McConnell’s and Brue’s classic textbook Economics (Thirteenth Edition):  “A pioneering study of sixty-one important inventions made from 1880 to 1965 indicates that over half were the work of independent inventors disassociated from corporate industrial research laboratories.  Such substantial advances as air conditioning, power steering, the ball point pen, cellophane, the jet engine, insulin, xerography, the helicopter, and the catalytic cracking of petroleum have this individual heritage.”


The individual inventors who work independently to create novel innovations that help improve the human condition all share a common trait:  they are strong-willed individuals determined to seize their own destiny.  Independent inventors are not only an important source of creativity, they are a national asset.  In today’s fast-paced market, American manufacturers are subjected to relentless competition.  Any new product source that can save them money in research and development is strategically very important to them.  That is why American manufacturing companies attend trade shows and industrial promotions all over the world.  They are seeking that new product that can expand an existing product line or create a new marketing base.  Licensing this intellectual property is your key to prosperity.


American manufacturers have made strident gains in productivity through advancements in technology.  Licensing patented technologies and products has also made American firms more competitive because the practice of licensing saves them valuable research and development funds.  Because licensing is so efficient for manufacturers, small to medium-sized companies can compete on a level playing field.  In fact, a well managed, medium-sized manufacturer who is hungry for innovations may offer a more lucrative licensing contract than a super-large industrial firm would.  Small and medium-sized companies can be a gold mine of opportunity.


Manufacturing continues to have the strongest pull on U.S. economic growth compared to any other business sector in the country.  This phenomenal resiliency has important implications for licensing patents.  It demonstrates that even when the manufacturing base is contracting, American industry aggressively seeks opportunity for new products and innovations that will help propel them back to prosperity.


So rest assured, if the economy is in a period of slowing down this does not mean that an independently patented product is at a disadvantage.  To the contrary, a product that has market potential can be very attractive to a manufacturer when the economy is slowing because it saves them valuable research and development expenses at a time when money is tight.   A product that can command the confidence of the public is very valuable to manufacturers during times of economic turbulence.  Did you know that during the past 60 years the manufacturing base has been the most vulnerable to recessions?  The good news is, on every occasion, manufacturing recovered the fastest and helped lead the economy to recovery.  Even when the economy slows, American manufacturers aggressively seek new opportunities and new products to stimulate their recovery.  No time like the present to get your idea out there.  CARPE DIEM! 

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The Latest Patent News 12-12-08


As the week comes to an end, there’s more exciting news from United Patent Research…


 UPR Owner and President, Pat Ralston, is meeting with a major plastics manufacturing company this month to be able to readily produce products for selected clients.  

 Owner Pat Ralston met with an accomplished inventor at the San Antonio Tradeshow and discussed multinational licensing for his football product which has been purchased/licensed by three NFL football teams.  


Inventor P. Erickson has been granted a China Patent.


Inventor L. Ercolini has also been granted a China Patent.


Inventor R. Green has been granted a European Union Patent.


Inventor D. Schmutz  and Licensing Attorney Michael Freedman met on the golf course Monday.  Mr. Schmutz  demonstrated his prototype for Mr. Freedman to present to a plastics manufacture’s advisory board for test run production.


  Inventor Mr. Fruitman has invented a medical product that Licensing Attorney Michael Freedman will be presenting to a professional football team for review. Pat Ralston and Mr. Fruitman will meet at the Las Vegas Tradeshow in January. 




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The Latest Patent News 12-08-08

 UPR Owner and President, Pat Ralston, and Universal’s Licensing Attorney, Michael Freedman, have considered ten products, which were narrowed down to three of the best, for prototyping with a major manufacturer. The meeting is scheduled for mid December.


Patents Granted recently for our clients:


S. Boney

K. Doris

P. Noday & G. Noday

J. Stalter

J. Hodges

S. Lett

J. Johnson

P. Vranesh

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Our Clients 12-05-08

Inventor D. Schmutz has invented a golf training aid for golfers. Mr. Schmutz has built a prototype and will be meeting with Licensing Attorney, Michael Freedman, and an engineer on the golf course next week. His product is the SPS12 and has Patent Pending status.


Inventor T. Parker has invented a baby product and is in communications with two well known manufacturers. Proprietary information has been sent to these manufacturers.  T. Parker has Patent Pending status.


Inventor J. Lochmueeller has invented a baby product and is in communications with three major manufacturers, all proprietary information has been sent, and negotiations should begin in the near future.  J. Lochmueeller has Patent Pending status.


Inventors P. Noday & G. Noday have invented a personal care product for young women and were contacted by a major world wide manufacturer on Monday, Dec. 1.   Confidentiality documents are being signed and negotiations will begin in the near future. Their U.S. Patent has been granted.


Inventor J. Moore has received interest from a major North American manufacturer and confidentiality documents are being sent before negotiations begin. Mr. Moore has Patent Pending status.


Inventor J. Deherra has invented a personal care/medical product and has received information from a bona-fide North American manufacturer.  Negotiations have begun.  J. Deherra has been granted a U.S. Patent.


Inventor R. Wilkerson has invented a children’s product and received interest from a manufacturer specializing in intellectual property.  This manufacturer showed interest recently while meeting the owner, Pat Ralston, at a trade show.  Confidential documents have been signed and negotiations have begun.


Inventors R. Earp & J. Lewis have invented a bathroom product. All documents have been signed and sent to the manufacturers. Communications should begin in the near future. R. Earp & J. Lewis have U.S. Patent Pending status.


Inventor E. Colombo has invented a baby product and has received interest from a major manufacturer. Attorneys are not, as of yet, comfortable with the language in documents and discussions are underway. E. Colombo has a European Union patent filed as well as US Patent Pending.


Inventor J. Hodges has invented the Schnoogles-Eyewear.  Two well known manufactures have shown interest, confidential documents have been signed, proprietary documents have been sent, and negotiations will begin in the near future. J. Hodges has been granted a U.S. Patent, Trademark, European filing, and China Patent.


Inventor A. Caveleri has invented the Catch All Popup, a drain assembly for sinks. A. Caveli has received interest from a major manufacturer; however, attorneys are unsatisfied with the language in documents and are currently working out the details. Negotiations and communications continue. A. Caveleri has Patent Pending status. 

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The United Patent Blog 12-4-08

United Patent, with their outstanding staff and professionals, provide a unique and personal service to help the inventor achieve success. The United Patent Blog is an archive of events, accomplishments, and current developments within our company. This blog will provide the latest information, products, and successes of clients that may also help the prospective client with many issues and questions, as well as give examples of “how to.”


The invention cycle is more than just having an idea, although this may be where your product begins.  Much hard work, diligence, and perseverance is needed for a chance at success.  It is important to thoroughly complete research in order to consider what the market wants or needs, potential cost and production factors, appropriate manufacturers, and much more. United Patent provides this research through professionals with many years of experience in product development. If all seems to be pursuable, the next step is preparation for patent filing. It is essential to cover all of the bases with proper research before filing for a patent. 



There are many options on the table when choosing a patent, each patent has its own time frame and purpose. United Patent Product Managers and Patent Attorneys will assist with and clarify all these different time frames and purposes while helping the inventor to decide which patent or patents will be most beneficial for the product. Once all documents have been filed with the United States Patent Office, the inventor will receive Patent Pending status which allows the inventor the legal right to market and sell the patent.


Another strategy the inventor must have is to determine how to get the product manufactured and distributed. Universal Licensing is an affiliate company who will assist with this many times, complicated task.  By negotiating with manufactures, Universal Licensing will be the most important link for your product’s success.


Click here to begin your invention cycle

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